Expand your knowledge in many fields within science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Learn highly advanced scientific reading, writing, analysis, and presentation skills.
Take ownership of your own cutting edge experiment. Present your project to professionals for possible awards, scholarships, publications, and scholarships.
Work on a hands-on project in a local research lab or hospital.
Confidently write about and present about scientific research.
Discover what it is actually like to work in medical, engineering, mathematical and scientific research.
Confirm, through hands on experience, a future career path
Have a unique, advanced experience to add to your resumé, helping you to stand out from other high school students on university applications, graduate, medical, dental, or other professional school applications.
Increase your chances of getting accepted into a specialized college program or university.
"Science Research wasn't just like any other class where I would sit in a room for hours just to listen to a teacher talk. Science Research was more of like a home away from home for me. It's the place where I was able to learn by myself in a friendly environment and I can honestly say, this is the only class where I would call everyone my family. Even the teachers.
-Jennifer Vuong, NYCSEF FINALIST